Dributts has created a simple product to help save lives. in 2013, over 1.6 million children lost their lives to fecal related diseases. Most of these children were under the age of 5. We created a very simple product to help free families from disease. When these diapers are used correctly, families have the tools to control fecal in their homes form their babies. This is a simple solution to a huge problem.
Over 2000 years ago, a simple baby was born to save the world. He was born in a manger in a sleepy town called Bethlehem. Jesus came to be the solution to a world dying of sin. He is the reason we celebrate this season. Jesus cam to give us the greatest gift we could ever receive. He gave us the simple gift of Grace.
Later, Jesus was asked about the greatest commandment. He could of answered with a 12 point thesis telling everyone how they should live. He could have complicated it and made it too hard to follow. However, He answered in the simplest of ways. Love God and Love Others. He gave us all the simplest way to follow him. Simply, Be Love.
DriButts tries to follow these two simple rules. Simply, love others with the love that only He can give us. We love people by providing a simple product that they can see His love through us. We not only want to save lives through diapers, but also share the love of God through the time we spend with each family. We simply Love them because He first loved us.