So many good feelings come from the holidays. The one I’d like to focus on today is thankfulness. We say thank you when we receive gifts or when someone does something nice for us. We’re also thankful for family and friends, memories made and time spent with loved ones. Each day I know we are thankful for are the most basic of needs like a job, a house to live in, utilities, food, water, and sanitation. Today’s story is about a group of moms who were thankful for a gift given to them in the midst of their poverty.
On a diaper drop this past May we were in a new area of Croix des Bouquets, Haiti. We met some very sweet moms in a small village in that area. We began the diaper drop with our education segment first. We not only educate them on use of the diapers, we also make sure the moms understand the diapers are not free. We begin to share with them the story of how someone paid for them to have the diapers. We let them know that their are people who care about them and want to keep their family safe from disease. After we take the “Thank You” picture, we share with them the name of the person who donated the diapers.
After the diaper drop was over we noticed a group of ladies hanging out near the back of the church. They got up and approached us with huge smiles on their faces. Through the interpreter, with tears in their eyes, this is what they said,” We appreciate that someone in America thought about us and helped us to keep our babies safe. This will make such a difference for us. Please tell our donors thank you, not just from a picture, but from us.” One lady even said her donors name as the interpreter talked. They had tears of joy and such big, beautiful smiles. After many hugs and tears we all took a group picture. One mom hugged me again and then handed me her precious little angel to hold for the picture. I was so touched. These moms don’t have much, but were so thankful that other were thinking of them and willing to help provide a need. In the midst of poverty, there are still things to be thankful for.
- Starla Wahl, DriButts Co-Founder