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Refugee Diaper Project 

The Problem:

2195 Children die daily from fecal related diseases in developing countries and refugee camps around the world. According to the CDC, this is the single greatest killer of children under the age of 5 and kills more children then Aids and Melaria put together. The need for diapers around the world is huge, especially in confined refugee camps. Diapers simply contain and control disease and promote long-term health for babies and their families. So, this why the DriButts diaper was created. Find out more about the DriButts Diaper HERE


The Need:

We would like to raise enough funds to send 5,000 DriButts Diaper Packs directly to refugee camps in the Middle East. These packs will provide life saving reusable DriButts diapers and education for families in these vulnerable areas of the world. Please consider donating and helping us save lives! 

The Pack:

- 2 Reusable DriButts Diaper

- Bag

- Soap

- Wash Cloth 

- Education books 


Donate today and help us save lives!