Go to Honduras with DriButts

In 2020, DriButts will begin working with the Tolupan people group in the Flower mountain area of Honduras in partnership with Fronline Missions. Going to Honduras with DriButts this year will be a life changing experience you don’t want to miss out on!


Trip Details:


Trip Cost: $1,900

(Includes Delta Flight from ATL)

Deposit: $100

Duration: 7-8 days

Age: 12+ (All Students Under 18 Must have an adult responsible for them)

Application Deadline: 1 month prior to departure

Open to groups and individuals


Fall 2023- TBA

Spring 2024- TBA

Summer 2024- TBA


How many people go on a trip? We usually take around 8-15 people per trip. However, we can customize trips to size and what we will do. Smallest 6 people and largest 20 people

Where: We fly to San Pedro Sula and then drive to Cruz Alta, Honduras and stay in a town called La Campa. Google search will pull up la Campa. Cruz Alta is a 20 min drive from La Campa.

How will we get around? We will rent 4WD trucks and drive directly to La Campa. Depending on the size of the group we would need a few drivers that know how to drive a manual. Small teams, we have enough leaders to manage this.

Is La Campa and Cruz Alta safe? Yes, both are small farm towns and extremely family-oriented. We have been going to this area for years and never have had any issues.

Where will we sleep: We will be staying at a Hotel in La Campa run by a sweet Honduran family. They will prepare our meals for us each day. We will need to know if anyone has food allergies. Most rooms are 2-4 single beds with showers with hot water … most of the time. The rooms are comfortable and clean. (Note: this is a mission trip and each room is clean but humble)

Trip Insurance: We will purchase medical and covid insurance for each person

How Long is the trip: Most trips are 7-8 days and can be customized to your trip.

Projects: Diaper drops, Kids’ day camps, night VBS, sports, wellness checks, eye clinic, construction and small medical teams. All projects done with evangelism as the key. Every diaper drop we share the gospel and connect with local pastors

Church Leader Rolls: Each team leader will be assigned roles, but the main job of each leader is to invest in your team and help as needed. If leaders have specific skills, please let us know to fit our mission with their skills.

ZipLine: They have a professionally run and installed Zipline in La Campa that is really fun. One zip is over 1000 ft high. Its cost about $30 per person and zips all over the area. Click Here for more info on the zipline

Team Meetings: We will have 2 to 3 Zoom team meetings for training and preparation before the trip. These meetings are mandatory for each person to attend before the trip.

Who will lead the trip: Michael Wahl, Founder of Dributts will lead each trip to Honduras. He has over 20 years of missions experience and served in the U.S. Army. He has lead teams from Haiti to Romania and is now focusing on bringing teams to Honduras. His experience will help you have a trip you will never forget.

Sign Up


What will we do?

While working with the Tolupan people, we will be organizing diaper drops, teaching entrepreneurship and product creation, water purification, and partnering with local pastors in sharing the Gospel with their community. We also may visit the ancient Mayan Copan ruins, or go zip lining in the canopies of La Campa upon request.


Where will we stay?

Where you’ll stay on a trip is unique to the trip you’re on. You can count on at least two things no matter which hotel or guesthouse we may stay in: comfort and safety. We typically eat breakfast and dinner at our hotel or guesthouse and grab lunch while we’re out or bring a sack lunch. Everywhere we stay will have showers and toilets.

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How can I make a difference?

The first goal of any DriButts trip is to help you see the need. We want you to be able to approach the problems found in developing countries with understanding and with a focus on problem solving. Our second goal is for you to join in on the mission. Whether it be with our mission, with a different organization, or even starting something yourself, we want you to join in on the work of changing the world. Lastly, we want you to discover your calling. We believe each person has a unique calling from God and want to act as guides helping you discover and live out your calling in whatever way possible.